Misc Terraform Notes.

Jul 31, 2022

Recovering from Lost/Deleted Remote State

Initialize the backend & start working through errors from terraform-apply.

bucket already exists

terraform import aws_s3_bucket.bucket www.johnsosoka.com

cloud front example

terraform import aws_cloudfront_distribution.www_distribution <Distribution ID>

dynamodb example

terraform import aws_dynamodb_table.terraform-state terraform-state

Reading a Hidden Terraform Variable

A terraform variable might be marked sensitive, such as:

output "github_deployer_user_access_key_secret" {
  value = aws_iam_access_key.deployer_user_access_key.secret
  sensitive = true

To read this value, after running terraform apply, run:

terraform output -raw github_deployer_user_access_key_secret

This will print the value of the masked variable to the console.